Intense, dominating, and energetic -- your hypnotic stare and your vital force overwhelm those around you. You are passionate and committed to your friends and ruthless with your enemies. Upon the battlefield of life, you are the one who leads, storming the gates of the fortress. Scorpios have a keen intellect and admirable qualities of patience and creativity.
You are definitely not the gregarious, social kind, always ready to please people. You are genuine and most of the times, above petty gains. However, you are certainly not above conspiracy and manipulation. Like the scorpion with the sting in its tail, people had better watch out before they rub you the wrong way. Quite a few of you will devote considerable time and energies to develop strategies and plot revenge against your enemies.
You are a determined lot. Set to achieve, there are very few challenges that you will not meet. Actually, all activity must hold a sense of purpose for you. You have an inner strength and a great capacity to endure hardships. There is in fact a streak of masochism in you that enables you to destroy something you have nurtured with great care and love. You can easily change course if it suits you better. Nevertheless, you are dynamic, fascinating and often mysterious - a combination that draws many towards you.
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