Nov 11, 2009

Aries Year ahead 2010

Aries 2010
Overall: The year 2010 promises to be a year of success and gain in all aspects of life. You achieve success in professional as well as personal matters.
Health: Your high spirits keep you in a good mood and health. You gain a lot as you are happy .The things will come to you step by step as depicted by the `Three of cups` card.
Money: You also experience a lot of monetary gains. You spend a lot and that is why the card of `Towers` says to have a control over your expenses. You are advised to not have a spendthrift nature.
Relations: Your relationship is governed by the `Two of pentacles` which says that this year you are likely to be occupied with personal relationships. However, your priorities will be the monetary based relationships. These relationships will be the give and take kind.
Career: On the professional front the card `Eight of swords,` brings a lot of opportunities and the card also says to plan things around so as to make the best of every opportunity that knocks at your door. You need to be expressive so as to enhance your career.
Guidance: Overall the year is influenced by the card of `Two of swords` which says that you grow professionally as you socialize with influential people and develop personal relationships.
January : This month is governed by the `Queen of Pentacles` card which says that you gain a lot of materialistic pleasures However,a spendthrift approach should be avoided. The card also says that you need to conduct yourself patiently and take things slow. You are required to consider both aspects of life, which are the materialistic and the Karma aspects.

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