2 of cups-
The card is upright:
The upright position of the 2 of cups in Tarot readings indicates the beginning of a warm friendship. You are likely to come across someone who is kind and affectionate. This person may have all the qualities that one tends to look for in a life partner. Couples going through a rough patch will soon find a solution to their on going problems and will see good times ahead. A new relationship will add to your happiness and make you almost forget all the failed relationships you have had in the past. The appearance of this card also signifies growth and success for those in business. Some interesting projects will fall into your kitty soon. This is the time when you`ll realize your true potential. When this appears upright you can also expect some good changes to happen in your love life. Reconciliation with an ex lover or an old friend is likely soon. You will soon decide to resolve your differences with an associate and renew an old partnership soon.
The card is reversed:
When the two of cups card appears in the reversed position there are indications that a separation with someone close is likely soon. Married couples also should prepare themselves to face some bad time ahead. Chances of being deceived by someone you trust are likely in the nearby future. Your partner may not be as faithful as you think he or she is. The reasons behind these problems may be a bit more complicated than you think. Also, there are chances of arguments and quarrels being more frequent than usual. You`ll find it really hard to forgive and forget during this time period. Moving on with life becomes a difficult task for you. No matter how hard you try you find it almost impossible to forgive the person who deceives you. Some of you may also see your love not being reciprocated. The feelings that you feel for a certain someone may only be one sided. This may make you feel heartbroken but you will get over it sooner than you expect.
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