Nov 4, 2009

Tarot card of the day!

1 of cups- Ace of Cups.
The card is upright:

The Ace of cups is a symbol of harmony and happiness in the area of love, passionate romances and new relationships. It is an indication to the young that love is about to blossom in your life. In tarot readings, it suggests great opportunities that are about to change the very course of your career and life. When this card is in its upright position you can expect some innovative and creative projects to commence soon. This is the time when your unconscious mind sees a reawakening and you have the positive powers to deal with life`s worst. It indicates a strong attraction towards someone very charismatic. It also signifies some great offers, which you are about to get in the nearby future. When the ace shows up you can breathe a sigh of relief, as it is only an indication of the good time that is about to begin in your life.

The card is reversed:
The reversed position of the Ace of cups signifies changes, which are about to happen for the worst. Love may fail and you may be disappointed due to the behaviour of someone close to you. You may lose faith in someone you had trusted for a long time now. Your close ties may be a bit strained at this time as you go through a very bad time. Lovers may see their relationship hit the rocks as problems get out of control. The reversed position of this card reveals some kind of inner tension, which you are soon going to feel. You need to prepare yourself to handle all kinds of difficult situations, which may present themselves in the nearby future. You may also feel suffocated and be in a state of despair in your marital life. You will have to draw on your inner strength to pull yourself out of it. The pain may be overwhelming but you will have to find the strength in yourself to deal with it.

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