Nov 17, 2009

A Very Powerful Planetary Alignment is About to begin…

One of the most powerful alignment is about to begin and what a pattern it will create! Saturn will square Pluto and the Moon and Venus will join Pluto in a septile arrangement. To add to this, the Sun septiles Saturn, too.

When such configuration of planets happens, expect certain transformation to happen worldwide, not just in your own life. What will happen to the individual is that you will be deeply affected by whatever new or intense is happening around.
Romantically, you will be moved by ideas of dedication, death of the past and birth of what’s new, even if it is old relationships getting renewed with a different perspective. There will be displays of strong and heartfelt feeling.
Otherwise, you will be inspired by ideals of duty, orderliness and loyalty. Something interesting is also on the cards: you will find yourself accepting fate and will be surprised by how much you have begun believing in the necessity of things / people / situations that are unpleasant.
Wordlwide, the repercussions of such a planetary alignment is that there will be a rise in negative activities. There will be felt a general public fear of terrorism or violence. There could be a difference or a rise in oil prices. International co-operation will hit an extreme: either will be a sudden rise in it or sudden downfall in international relationships.

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