Feb 13, 2010

Valentine's day Predictions By Divya Chugh

Find out what world renowned Tarot Reader Divya Chugh has to say about this Valentine's day! Will cupid be on your side? Will you finally attract that someone special? Get to know everything about what's going to happen on this special day!

Valentine’s Day Tarot Predictions

Aries: (Mar 20 - Apr 19)
Tarot Card –Ace of Swords
Your Valentine Week: You will get an unexpected message, call, or response from someone who has a crush on you or loves you. This could also indicate a new love that will take you by storm. Strong emotions will be brought out by someone. A romantic involvement, and a marriage or partnership could be on the rocks.
Divya’s Valentine Advice: Have faith in yourself, and know that your work is good and stands on its own. Persevere, be determined, and let nothing divert you from having what you want.

Taurus: (Apr 19 - May 20)
Tarot Card – Justice
Your Valentine Week: You will review the quality of your love life or relationship and will realize that's exactly what you want -- quality, not quantity -- and so far it's been the other way around. There will be a lack of fulfillment on a personal or emotional level of expression, because an essential ingredient is missing but this cycle is going to end and a new one will begin. A tense situation in your love life will become more flexible in the nearby future.
Divya’s Valentine Advice: Wait for time to take its course. Enjoy buying new clothes or products or mentally preparing for future events.

Gemini: (May 20 - Jun 21)
Tarot Card - Three of Wands
Your Valentine Week: A difficult decision (like "should I" or "shouldn't I") will soon be made regarding a new relationship. You will have mixed emotions regarding some and will be complimented, well liked, and enriched by others. This is an excellent time for unions, and in spite of your fears, you will unite, form a new partnership, or marry. You will feel apprehensive or distrustful, but this feeling will soon pass.

Divya’s Valentine Advice: Trust that your ideas can be realized, and expect the best!

Cancer: (Jun 21 - Jul 22)
Tarot Card-Two of Cups
Your Valentine Week: You will not be ready to commit or become totally involved in a new relationship. This could be because of an emotional attachment to the past. You will also make a decision to forgive and forget the past and to get on with the future and the now. You’ll be contemplating a union or discussing marriage and will begin to see things in a more positive light.
Divya’s Valentine Advice: Put aside the notion that your prayers can only be answered by striving or personal effort and if you pray, pray with conviction; don't be fearful.

Leo: (Jul 22 - Aug 23)
Tarot Card -Five of Wands
Your Valentine Week: A reunion with an old flame is indicated for you, and you are going to spend some very sensual and passionate moments together. Someone or something is going influence you to take a very serious look at where you are in your life -- or where you headed to go. And on a more personal level, there will be a budding romance or love affair.
Divya’s Valentine Advice: Reform some of your love ideas or attitude, and do things that will help you have a successful relationship. Don't compromise or accept defeat; you're too close to winning this time.

Virgo: (Aug 23 - Sep 22)
Tarot Card - Seven of Wands
Your Valentine Week: You will desperately want a marriage, union, or serious commitment but will have some confusion regarding the same. Be careful and make some wise choices.
Divya’s Valentine Advice: Straighten out your affairs, make steps toward commitment, and refuse to accept less than what is essentially right. Be true to yourself.
Libra: (Sep 22 - Oct 23)
Tarot Card - Two of Pentacles
Your Valentine Week: Someone who enters your life will instigate change and a new direction or course of action. You will have a release or overcome an emotional crisis through the entry of several new factors .You will enjoy getting or giving gifts, doing favours for others and resolving a personal and very emotional dilemma.
Divya’s Valentine Advice: Narrow your choices down to one, and maintain a cheerful & balanced attitude.

Scorpio: (Oct 23 - Nov 22)
Tarot Card - Queen of Pentacles
Your Valentine Week: You are going to meet or be attracted to a very unusual or striking person who will be just as interested in you. You will seek a supportive relationship based on love, commitment, honesty and integrity and will be weighing a relationship to see if it measures up.
Divya’s Valentine Advice: Clarify your objectives and be impartial & unprejudiced.

Sagittarius: (Nov 22 - Dec 21)
Tarot Card - Six of Cups
Your Valentine Week: You will have a transcendent experience that will open your heart to new possibilities. Someone will lend support and touch your soul, and you will be sought after personally and professionally. You are going to have a lovely time with your mate
Divya’s Valentine Advice: Accept changes with grace. Do not lose your temper if things don’t go according to your plan.

Capricorn: (Dec 21 - Jan 20)
Tarot Card - The Magician
Your Valentine Week: Though you don't think so now, a new romantic beginning or a rekindled affair is at hand, and a great love affair is imminent. A new love or strengthened old relationship will have some happy surprises in store. This could also indicate a pleasant social event or get-together.
Divya’s Valentine Advice: How good your Valentine’s Day will be will entirely depend upon you and what you plan for the day.

Aquarius: (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
Tarot Card - The Empress
Your Valentine Week: This Valentine, you will long for love and affection. You will not be satisfied with a casual fling. You will have a serious look at your relationship and will also try to sort out your feelings. You will find peace, comfort, and inspiration through nature, rest or relaxation, social gatherings & small trips.
Divya’s Valentine Advice: Mind your feelings or instincts and not your intellect, and learn to trust your feelings more. You will also make a decision to forgive and forget the past and to move on in life.

Pisces: (Feb 18 - Mar 20)
Tarot Card –Four of Cups
Your Valentine Week: There will be a lack of togetherness in your personal affairs. You will feel like a lost soul fighting a lost cause, and because of this, you will be unable to find fulfillment in any realm. Memories of a past lover are likely to haunt you and you may wonder if there's still a chance that you'll get back together and work things out.
Divya’s Valentine Advice: Take your mind off a problem, and do something else. Prioritise your needs first. The present is what matters the most.

Divya Chugh

Tarot Consultant and Relationship Advisor

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