Jun 8, 2010

Feng Shui your Kitchen!

The kitchen is the heart of your home… What can you do to attract positive energy to this space? Follow some well known Feng Shui tips for your kitchen to attract happiness!

Your kitchen should be airy, spacious and welcoming. Keep it clean at all times and avoid overloading it with too much stuff. The lighting is an integral part of Feng Shui. Light can affect the flow of Chi in your kitchen. Make sure it is not dim.

For good Feng Shui keep your kitchen as simple as possible. Buy stuff that you really need and avoid cluttering. To enhance the energy further place some bright yellow flowers. Fresh flowers are considered to attract peace and harmony according to Feng Shui.

Study the layout of your kitchen and decide wisely where to place a vase of flowers, a bowl of fresh fruits or other green plants. Your kitchen table will be the perfect choice.

The colour of your kitchen plays a very important role in Feng Shui. Colours that blend well and make you feel good are the perfect choice. All shades of yellow are considered to be lucky.

1 comment:

Ann Flowers said...

Excellent article. It was helpful and informative. hope to see more greats posts like this.