Also known as Chiromancy, Palm reading has its roots in ancient Indian and Egyptian cultures. As an art that took form in East Asia, it has transcended borders and is now popular in many parts of the world. Its success can be largely owed to the articulate and accurate nature of its predictions. The lines on the palm can accurately predict the past, present and even future events. Palm reading considers various aspects of the hand-the shape (cheirognom), the mounts (cheirosophy) and the lines and formations on the palm (cheiromancy).
The shape of the hand plays an important role in determining a person’s character. It is the first thing that palm readers notice while conducting a palm reading analysis.
Here’s a brief on the five common hand shapes.
Shapes of the hand
Earth hand
Physical attributes- broad, square palms and fingers, thick and coarse skin with a pinkish tinge.
Typical characteristics
• Headstrong and can get stubborn at times
• Have a pragmatic outlook on life
• Tend to be materialistic
• Possess the capabilities to acquire wealth
Air hand
Physical attributes- fingers longer than the palm that is square or rectangular shaped, dry skin
Typical characteristics
• Social and witty
• Like to engage in lengthy conversations
• Harbor ill feelings and resentment for a long time
• Can be cold and calculative
Water hand
Physical attributes-relatively long hand, almost oval shaped with slender tapering fingers, length of the palm is equal to the length of the fingers
Typical characteristics
• Display superior creative skills
• Introverted and prefer to do things quietly
• Have frequent mood swings
Fire hand
Physical attributes- short and stout fingers, square or rectangular shaped palm
Typical characteristics
• Bold and courageous
• Tend to be inconsiderate and insensitive to others
• Extroverted
• Spontaneous
Combination hand (Air-Earth and Water-Air hand)
Physical attributes- people with the combination type of hand shape have both the attributes of the respective hand shapes
Typical characteristics
• Since they have characteristics of both hand shapes, they are more balanced and practical.
• Intuitive
• Remain calm even in trying situations
Apart from the shape of the hand, there are other aspects of palm reading which together reveal a person’s character and destiny. Understanding the patterns and lines of the palm is no mean task. A palmist or palm reader is the person qualified and trained in the art, and finding one is not very easy. However, with online palm reading one is not required to go through the hassle of searching for a trustworthy and qualified palm reader.
Online palm reading has surfaced as a hassle free and reliable method for making accurate predictions. Online Palm readers can provide accurate forecasts of your future and also give a detailed description of your personality. Additionally, they can also inform you about the ways in which you can improve and enhance your luck. All you need to do is send in a picture of your hand and then sit; you will receive a detailed analysis of your palm reading for a small fee.
The shape of the hand plays an important role in determining a person’s character. It is the first thing that palm readers notice while conducting a palm reading analysis.
Here’s a brief on the five common hand shapes.
Shapes of the hand
Earth hand
Physical attributes- broad, square palms and fingers, thick and coarse skin with a pinkish tinge.
Typical characteristics
• Headstrong and can get stubborn at times
• Have a pragmatic outlook on life
• Tend to be materialistic
• Possess the capabilities to acquire wealth
Air hand
Physical attributes- fingers longer than the palm that is square or rectangular shaped, dry skin
Typical characteristics
• Social and witty
• Like to engage in lengthy conversations
• Harbor ill feelings and resentment for a long time
• Can be cold and calculative
Water hand
Physical attributes-relatively long hand, almost oval shaped with slender tapering fingers, length of the palm is equal to the length of the fingers
Typical characteristics
• Display superior creative skills
• Introverted and prefer to do things quietly
• Have frequent mood swings
Fire hand
Physical attributes- short and stout fingers, square or rectangular shaped palm
Typical characteristics
• Bold and courageous
• Tend to be inconsiderate and insensitive to others
• Extroverted
• Spontaneous
Combination hand (Air-Earth and Water-Air hand)
Physical attributes- people with the combination type of hand shape have both the attributes of the respective hand shapes
Typical characteristics
• Since they have characteristics of both hand shapes, they are more balanced and practical.
• Intuitive
• Remain calm even in trying situations
Apart from the shape of the hand, there are other aspects of palm reading which together reveal a person’s character and destiny. Understanding the patterns and lines of the palm is no mean task. A palmist or palm reader is the person qualified and trained in the art, and finding one is not very easy. However, with online palm reading one is not required to go through the hassle of searching for a trustworthy and qualified palm reader.
Online palm reading has surfaced as a hassle free and reliable method for making accurate predictions. Online Palm readers can provide accurate forecasts of your future and also give a detailed description of your personality. Additionally, they can also inform you about the ways in which you can improve and enhance your luck. All you need to do is send in a picture of your hand and then sit; you will receive a detailed analysis of your palm reading for a small fee.
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