Nov 11, 2009

Cancer 2010 Tarot Prediction

Cancer 2010
Overall: -The `Knight of wands` says that you are full of energy .You have the power and just belief in moving ahead in your life by overcoming all obstruction that life brings your way. This sort of approach helps you to taste success and positive results will be evident.
Health: The `King of swords` bring good health as you experience the joy of good fortune. Your spirits are lifted up and therefore you have stability in your health.
Money: The card of the `Magician` says that you have the power to create miracles through money that you have. Financially the year seems to be good as gains come from all sources.
Relations: The `Eight of cups` says that you are not able to devote time to your beloved. Despite the fact that your relationships needs time you are not able to fulfill this requirement. Due to this the relationship might suffer However, you need to understand that a good and healthy relationship is also an integral part of one`s success.
Career: The `Ace of swords` clearly says that you emerge victorious on the professional front. There is no stopping to make your career a success this year.
Guidance: The `Nine of swords` says that you need to be self confident. You also need to be optimistic in your approach. The card also says that you need play an active role in the various aspects of life.
January : The `Wheel of fortune` says that you need to take decisions yourself. Make full use of your all type of energies.

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