Nov 11, 2009

Leo year ahead 2010 prediction

Leo 2010

Overall: The year 2010 is ruled by the card of `Chariot` which says that this year is going to bring success in various aspects of life. The year brings good news for you which you have been anticipating for a long time. The year brings forth a promotion and most of your targets are achieved. You also experience the joy of materialistic pleasures of life as there is luxury around
Health: The card of `Page of cups` says that you need not overload yourself with a lot of work as it may impact your health. Health needs intensive care and stress needs to be avoided to a great extent. Balancing work and health is very important. Don`t forget Health is Wealth.
Money: The card of `Temperance` rules your monetary matters for the year 2010. The card says that you are blessed in money matters. The year brings a lot of opportunities for you to receive monetary gains. You are also able to balance your savings and expenditures.
Relations: The `Ten of cups` says that you experience happiness in your relationships. You become very romantic in your nature and due to this most of you are likely to find the suitable match for yourself. You also make new friends and attract people towards you.
Career: Your professional life is ruled by the card of `Fool.` The card says that this year you have the zeal to build up your career and it is this zeal that gives your career a new dimension, a new rise. Most of the opportunities that you get will be on first come first basis, so grab them to the earliest.
Guidance: The card `Page of pentacles` says that this year your priority is to set up monetary plans and investment needs to be done after close examination only. You also need to evaluate your decisions and plans before you actually execute them so as to achieve success in all spheres of your life.
January : The year begins on a satisfactory note as the month of January is ruled by the `Nine of cups.` People around are supportive about your actions and decisions. This supportive atmosphere is observed both on professional and personal levels. In personal relationships along with support comes commitment that due to which peace of mind is observed.

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